Our latest Fall 2020 Issue of The Café Review continues our mission to bring Maine poetry to the world and poetry from around the world to Maine featuring poetry by Don Byrd, Alan Catlin, Alfred Corn, Craig Cotter, Eric Forsbergh, Dan Gerber, Bill Griffin, Peter Kidd, David Lehman, Richard Martin, Clive Matson, Gerald McCarthy, Kevin Neal, Elizabeth Ogle, Masaya Saito, Michael Salcman, James Schneider, Vijay Seshadri, Yuyutsu Sharma, Charles Stein, Richard Taylor, Tony Towle, Tom Veitch, Terence Winch. This issue features work by artists Andrew Abbott, Bob Branaman, Rush Brown, William Rand, Karrie Ross, Mary Ross, John Whalley and William Wolak with reviews by David Stankiewicz and Carl Little.
As always, we are an all volunteer micro-pub producing printed publications quarterly from Portland, Maine. If you love our issues and work here online, support us by donating or subscribing. Without our subscribers, we would not exist!
Poetry Excerpts from this Issue

To Mo Cohen

Saturated Landscape

California Suite

Hello, Paradise. Paradise, Goodbye.

Our friend the thunder

The Space

Living With Apostrophe

Rationale for a Kiss

Two Haiku Sequences: An Akita Summer

By a Lake, Perhaps

The Hammer Stone

The Ecstasies of Sense

Then Knowledge is the Only Life

Opus Vitae

The Empty House

Burial song, Fish’s Eddy


Chanson Pour Jean-Louis

The Children of Narcissists Are Likely to Attract Narcissists Into Their Lives as Adults

With Death in the Via Canale

If You Visit The Old Burying Ground

Not Knowing

At Hot Water Beach


To The Next Cold Case Killer


Making Tea


Apology for Bad Dreams: St Croix 1953

Andy Warhol’s Three Sisters

A Super Star at home 1969 according to Diane Arbus


Caviar for the Generals

The Unease


Aristotle, Aquinas, and Descartes

After Season 8, Episode 3, Game of Thrones

The First Message

A Poem to Be Read Slowly and Quietly


Or Perhaps a soul

Where would my story end?

Who saw it coming?



A Poem for Dr. Blossom

The Human Condition
Artist Biographies
Poet Biographies

Terence Winch

Tom Veitch

Tony Towle

Richard Taylor

Charles Stein

Yuyutsu Sharma

Vijay Seshadri

James H. Schneider

Michael Salcman

Masaya Saito

Elizabeth Ogle

Kevin Neal

Gerald McCarthy

Clive Matson

Richard Martin

David Lehman

Peter Kidd

Bill Griffin

Dan Gerber

Eric Forsbergh