Our latest Summer 2022 Issue of The Café Review continues our mission to bring Maine poetry to the world and poetry from around the world to Maine featuring poetry by Michael Brownstein, Andrei Codrescu, Clark Coolidge, John Godfrey, Philip Good, Ron Kolm, Gerard Malanga, Bernadette Mayer, Eileen Myles, Elinor Nauen, Alice Notley, Valery Oisteanu, Maureen Owen, Ron Padgett, Carter Ratcliff, Iris Rifkin-Gainer, Bob Rosenthal, Ed Sanders, Tom Savage, Harris Schiff, James Sherry, Joel Sloman, Sotère Torregian, Anne Waldman and Jeffrey Cyphers Wright. This issue also features artwork by Andrew Abbott, Glen Baxter, Joe Brainard, Donna Dennis, Clinton Inman, Basil King, Gerard Malanga, Michael Rothenberg, Aram Saroyan, George Schneeman and Trevor Winkfield.
As always, we are an all volunteer micro-pub producing printed publications quarterly from Portland, Maine. If you love our issues and work here online, support us by donating or subscribing. Without our subscribers, we would not exist!
Poetry Excerpts from this Issue

The Wife of Lot

Odes to the Unlikely


Hymn to the Lower East Side

Red Boots on Avenue A

Becoming A Clipper

Joe Brainard Drawing for Banana

The Peace Eye Vision, January 1962

Fuck You/A Magazine of the Arts

The Story of Peace Eye

My Fingerprints Left on a Book

What Time is it Where You Live ?


Like Planets

The Poem Writes Itself

Insolent Kindness

A Stillness in Your Future

Observatory Lights

The Fourth Wall

Friendly Fire

3 pages from “The Speak Angel Series”


All Saints’ Day


Exterminator’s Song


Winning Is Everything !

The Peace Enigma of Stillness

Welcome to the Putin Archipelago

Gertrude Pain

Against the Grain


Who Is Buried in Grant’s Tomb?

I sleep on the pull out couch bed to be closer to her at night

Toaster on a tightrope

caregivers log 7.27.19

My Ukranian Grandmother

Fille de Rhizome

Tattered Bodhisattva: “ Death ! Truth ! Meaning of Life ! / Love ! Romanticism ! Loss ! Reality ! Consciousness ! ”

Scrambling for a Foothold on the Cliff of Time

Everything Must Go

The Crying God


On The Wild Strawberry



East Village Tales

Sail, Baby

Hyperion Takes a Hit

Paradise Answering Service

The Ostrich Colony

“I have so Little time to grieve” — Anne Waldman

brain fog

Ted Berrigan, poet, 1934-1983

Sharon Tate, movie star, 1943 —

Oranges and Reds

Empty Swivel

Eye Terrain
Poet Biographies

Jeffrey Cyphers Wright

Anne Waldman

Sotère Torregian

Joel Sloman

James Sherry

Harris Schiff

Tom Savage

Ed Sanders

Bob Rosenthal

Iris Rifkin-Gainer

Carter Ratcliff

Ron Padgett

Maureen Owen

Valerie Oisteanu

Alice Notley

Elinor Nauen

Eileen Myles

Bernadette Mayer

Gerard Malanga

Ron Kolm

Philip Good

John Godfrey

Clark Coolidge

Andrei Codrescu