Our latest Fall 2022 Issue of The Café Review continues our mission to bring Maine poetry to the world and poetry from around the world to Maine featuring poetry by Paul Balfe, Polly Buckingham, Elliot Cardinaux, John Brandi, Jim Daniels, Luis Garcia, Tinker Greene, Robert Hogg, Zebulon Huset, Ron Lauderbach, Greg McBride, Arthur McMaster, Gary Mesick, Harry Nudel, Tom Pickard, Lucas Pingel, Claire Scott, George Searles, Ivan Štrpka translated by James Sutherland–Smith, Maria Surrichio and Richard Taylor. This issue features work by artists Phil Bliss, Jim Bliss, Kate Burgau, Julia Lillard, Leslie Moore, Amy Nelder, Leo Rumerstorfer, Clyde Semler and Karla Van Vliet with reviews by Amanda Dettmann, Carl Little and Craig Sipe.
As always, we are an all volunteer micro-pub producing printed publications quarterly from Portland, Maine. If you love our issues and work here online, support us by donating or subscribing. Without our subscribers, we would not exist!
Poetry Excerpts from this Issue

Cloud Pavilion

No One

A Road Once Taken

After Thought

Blue Haze

Looking For Eugene


One Nite Only: Free Beer & Chicken

Cultural Differences

Advice to the Unborn

On Why She Just Won’t Do

So Rare

My Ideal Reading Experience

The Poet-Laureate of Sussex County


The Sky And All Of Its Terror

Spinning Out

A Clear Communion

Had Ophelia known

The Lovers

Brighton-Labor Day 2015

Walking to Another Life

The Dance

Full Circle

I was in love and . . . . . . .

Oxford Odyssey

Memory, Sadness Said

Sure, I’ve Seen God


In the Midst of Silence

Speech Like Spinning on a Sunny Afternoon

A Statue of Someone’s Father or Son

Bioluminescent Creatures

Old as the Hills



Chicago Winter 2018

The Leveling



My Vermont

Washed Rind

a walk in winter a walk in winter